Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The No Salt Diet - Why You Should Stop Eating Salt

Salt is toxic, irritating and potentially a deadly poison to our bodies. If you have ever gotten salt in an open wound, you will know first hand how destructive it can be. Eating even a low salt diet is damaging to our health.Salt has been linked to many many different illnesses, including cancer, asthma, Alzheimer's, PMS, stroke, cardiovascular disease to name a few.If you want to be healthy, lose weight and feel fantastic you need to cut salt out of your life.Salt is very dehydrating to our bodies. When excess salt enters our bloodstream, the body is forced to store it between cells until our kidneys can deal with it. While it is there it causes a burning effect on the tissue. The tissue cells protect itself by releasing water to dilute the salt. When cells lose water they lose elasticity and shrink. This causes an imbalance as a result of the low of potassium.Having low potassium results in more salt penetrating the cell walls and when sodium levels rise, waters enters to dilute it. This causes the cell to become swollen and this continuous disruption to the cell's fluid balance in time calcifies and destroys the muscles, valves and arteries of the entire coronary system.When you eat salty foods your body has to compensate to maintain homeostasis. If you eat salty foods regularly you most likely are now addicted, just like if you drink coffee or smoke and thus will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms upon eradicating out of your diet.Salt also messes up your taste buds. Most people think that salt adds flavor to food but it doesn't. It just overpowers your sense of taste and deadens to them to other flavors other than salt. If you want to enjoy food and fresh food and really taste it - you need to cut out salt.All throughout this article, when I talk about salt I am talking about table salt and even sea salt. What I am not talking about is salt found naturally in foods like celery. We do need some salt but it is the salt found naturally in fruits and vegetables that we need. If you eat plenty of these you will be getting enough salt.Completely cut out table/sea salt if you want to be healthy and lose weight. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and greens and this will help you completely eradicate salty cravings and also help you enjoy the finer things in life - fresh whole ripe natural foods.

Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed Free to Eat [] Natural Weight Loss plan that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit: http://www.Eati

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